ALIWEB-Title: An Empire Is Not a Frontier: Mark Twain's Opposition to United States Imperialism
Description: Paper presented at the Third Annual Fall Twain Symposium, on "Mark Twain and the Myth of the Frontier," Mark Twain Memorial, Hartford, Conn., Oct. 10, 1992.
Keywords: Literature, History, Philippines, Mark Twain, Imperialism, Frontier
Title: An Empire Is Not a Frontier: Mark Twain's Opposition to United States Imperialism
ALIWEB-Title: A Program of Action, by the Workers Party of America
Description: Program of the Workers (Communist) Party of America for opposing U.S. imperialism in 1925, the year it formed the All-America Anti-Imperialist League.
Keywords: History, Imperialism, Communist Party, United States, Jay Lovestone
Title: A Program of Action, by the Workers Party of America
ALIWEB-Title: U.S. Racism and Intervention in the Third World, Past and Present
Description: Essay by Daniel B. Schirmer on historical connections between racism and intervention from the Philippine-American War of 1899-1902 to the Gulf War of 1991.
Keywords: History, Imperialism, United States, Philippines, Gulf War, Daniel B. Schirmer
Title: U.S. Racism and Intervention in the Third World, Past and Present
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: The Anti-Imperialist League: A Brief Organizational History
Description: Short history of the Anti-Imperialist League formed to oppose the annexation of the Philippines.
Keywords: History, Imperialism, United States, Philippines
Title: The Anti-Imperialist League: A Brief Organizational History
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: The American Fund for Public Service Committee on American Imperialism
Description: Brief description and bibliography of the organization that funded and organized scholarly studies of U.S. economic imperialism in the 1920s and 1930s, including Scott Nearing and Joseph Freeman's Dollar Diplomacy (1925).
Keywords: History, Imperialism, United States, Scott Nearing, Roger Baldwin
Title: The American Fund for Public Service Committee on American Imperialism
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: The All-America Anti-Imperialist League
Description: Short description of the organization formed by the Workers (Communist) Party in 1925 to oppose U.S. imperialism.
Keywords: History, Imperialism, United States, Communist Party
Title: The All-America Anti-Imperialist League
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: The White Man's Burden, by Rudyard Kipling
Description: Rudyard Kipling's exhortation to empire.
Keywords: History, Imperialism, Rudyard Kipling, Poetry, Literature, Philippines, United States
ALIWEB-Title: The White Man's Burden, by Winslow Warren
Description: Essay written in response to Rudyard Kipling's exhortation to empire by a member of the executive committee member of the Anti-Imperialist League.
Keywords: History, Imperialism, Rudyard Kipling, Poetry, Literature, Philippines, United States
ALIWEB-Title: Opinions on "The White Man's Burden," by William Dean Howells
Description: Interview by W. D. Howells on Rudyard Kipling's exhortation to empire and the effects of the Philippine-American War on American literature
Keywords: History, Imperialism, Rudyard Kipling, Poetry, Literature, Philippines, United States
Title: Opinions on "The White Man's Burden," by William Dean Howells
Description: Photographs and political cartoons related to United States imperialism, the Philippine-American War, Mark Twain, William Dean Howells, the Anti-Imperialist League, and the All-America Anti-Imperialist League.
Keywords: History, Imperialism, Literature, Mark Twain, William Dean Howells, Cartoons, Photographs, Philippines, Emilio Aguinaldo
Title: Historical and Literary Graphics
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Pudd'nhead Wilson's Calendar, by Mark Twain
Description: The popular, frequently quoted maxim's from Mark Twain's The Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson
Keywords: Literature, Mark Twain, Humor
Title: Pudd'nhead Wilson's Calendar, by Mark Twain
ALIWEB-Title: Sitting in Darkness: An Unheeded Message About U.S. Militarism
Description: Essay about Mark Twain's opposition to the Philippine-American War published in the Baltimore Sun on the 20th Anniversary of the fall of Saigon.
Keywords: Literature, Mark Twain, Vietnam War, Philippine-American War, History, United States
Title: Sitting in Darkness: An Unheeded Message About U.S. Militarism
ALIWEB-Title: BioTEX - Biology Teaching through Experimentation
Description: BioTEX is a new approach to teaching science. Using hyperlinked multimedia and virtual experiments, BioTEX allows students to explore their interests in science and answer their own questions.
Description: A national Television celebrity, Mr. Kevin Trudeau-founder of "The Mega Memory System" is offering a Business Opportunity that is exploding with growth. The Trudeau Marketing Group. If you have ever thought of Network Marketing on National Television, National Radio and in Print public
ations all over the country, then you instantly recognize SUCCESS.
ALIWEB-Title: CommStock Investments, Inc. - Commodities Investment Futures
Description: CommStock Investments, Inc. provides information from the heartland about the heartland with respect to commodities. Services include commodities broker and information provider.
Title: CommStock Investments, Inc. - Commodities Investment Futures
Description: The Sioux City Chamber of Commerce is providing a variety of information about the Siouxland area (Sioux City, Iowa and surrounding communities in Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota).
ALIWEB-Title: The Broyhill Company - Ag, Golf and Municipality Equipment Manufacturer
Description: The Broyhill Company has been manufacturing equipment since 1949 in Dakota City, Nebraska. The equipment ranges from ag and golf sprayers, to trash collection vehicles, to fiber optic cable pullers. This document has several videos and helpful information on selecting the right equip
Title: The Broyhill Company - Ag, Golf and Municipality Equipment Manufacturer
Description: Golf course greens can be managed to save up to 75% of your top dressing labor cost, reduce greens turn-around time, and provide a grains management tool. Also allows you to incorporate damp sand in early morning conditions.
Description: Broyhill's Cable Winch System Provides: Efficient Power Transfer, Superior Cable Protection from Overtensioning, Versatile Design Offering Greater Manpower Utilization. Realize the ability to accurately control pull force with our 30 inch capstan. Use your Cable Winch System to place f
iber optic, coaxial or copper cables and innerduct, too. Auto-Speed Control System - In the air or underground. The Auto-SpeedTM System "Dancer Arm" controls winch speed without operator intervention. This labor saving option is available for underground and aerial construction. Equipment versatil
ity has been one of our principle design parameters. The Aerial Speed Control kit is easy to install.
Title: Fiber Optic Cable Winch System
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Load and Pack Refuse Collection Vehicle - Garbage Collection
Description: One Man, Four Step Refuse Collection. Operator drives to the refuse container and hydraulically grips it and dumps the contents in the 7 cu yard white box. The Load-And-Pack has been designed to grip containers from 26 gallon to 90 gallon in size weighing up to 500 pounds. Operator hyd
raulically lifts and empties the refuse container. The cycle time for lifting, evacuation and return is approximately 5 seconds. Operator compacts refuse while traveling to next refuse container. The large No. 7 compactor box has a compaction rate of approximately 4:1. Operator hydraulically off-lo
ads filled No. 7 compactor box to be transferred to packer trucks at a later time. The operator on-loads an empty No. 7 box and continues his pickup operation. The 4 wheel drive and high floatation of the tires used allows travel on sand beaches with the same ease as on hard or grassy surfaces with
out damaging the terrain. The Broyhill Load-And-Pack system meets DOT and EPA requirement
Title: Load and Pack Refuse Collection Vehicle - Garbage Collection
Description: Agricultural Application Equipment by Broyhill. Broyhill's Ag sprayers incorporate in-line trailer designs for balanced applicators to give you large capacity and improved operator visibility. The 9090 Series field sprayers range from 500 gallons to 750 gallon with low profile ellipti
cal style tanks. Our largest capacity 750 to 1000 gallon trailer sprayers are the heavy duty 9690 Trailmate 'Pull Through' Series. Booms available in 35 and 45 ft. self level or 60 ft. hydraulic rear fold. The Broyhill Company has the largest selection of tractor side tank carriers. These custom si
de-mounted tank carriers will fit most tractors including mechanical front wheel assist/front wheel drive tractors including the new John Deere 8000 Series. A complete line of disk and planter mounted accessories complete the spraying options. 3-point sprayers from Category I-55 gallon up to Catego
ry III-500 gallon units complete Broyhill's line of agricultural sprayers and accessories. Innovative engineering, custom design and rigorous field testing are the qualities that keep Broyhill a leader in the spraying industry. We'll satisfy your spraying needs with the most complete selection of
Title: Agricultural Sprayers - Tractor Mounted
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Landscape/Turf Sprayers for Golf Course and Landscape Management
Description: Broyhill provides sprayers for golf course and larger landscape operations. Features include: Hydraulic or PTO pumping system Pin mounted Poly or Fiberglass tanks 120 or 160 gallon tanks "New" low profile Square tube booms - 15' or 21' 4 electric controller options Chemical Injection
optional Fits: Cushman, Jacobsen, Toro, E-Z Go. They also carry a 3000 Series - Skid or Tow. Features for it include: 120, 160, 200 or 300 gallon tank sizes Fiberglass or Poly Tank Honda Engines 3-pump options Shown with Ground Plane Boom Follows contour of ground Hose reel options Walking Boom -
Title: Landscape/Turf Sprayers for Golf Course and Landscape Management
Description: Broyhill provides a wide variety of house and garden sprayers which may be carried and or hauled with small trailers. These sprayers are available for purchase online!
Title: Portable landscape/turf sprayers
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Aeration Equipment for Landscaping
Description: Broyhill Aeration Equipment for Lawn Care Operators with Exclusive Automatic Weight. Features include: Transfer and Out Front Aeration Aerate hills and slopes where others fear to go Operator friendly for the first time As easy to operate as a mid-size rotary Rear spring loaded caster
wheels Maneuverable while aerating, wide caster wheels guide turns Stable, well balanced, very low center of gravity No lifting, pushing or dragging around Reduce operator fatigue...HYDRAULIC Up and Down Best production rate of all rolling aerators Additional aeration products are being developed
Title: Aeration Equipment for Landscaping
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Safety Agriculture Spraying Guide - Fertilizer and Weed Killer
Description: Take a cold, hard look at your spraying needs and our 68 page Power Sprayer Guide will help you nail down the options available in sprayer versatility and show you how to select the proper sprayer to reach your goals. This additional marketing tool will assist you, your employees and c
ustomers on being the sprayer expert in your area. The guide also includes the latest spraying terms and definitions, useful charts and information on nozzles, handguns, spray height charts, safety application and much more.
Title: Safety Agriculture Spraying Guide - Fertilizer and Weed Killer
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: SpectraGraphics - Animation, Web Site Graphics, CD Catalogs
Description: This site has information about SpectraGraphics and several examples of their work, including an interactive demonstration, artwork from presentations and posters, and sample graphics used in Web sites.
Title: SpectraGraphics - Animation, Web Site Graphics, CD Catalogs
ALIWEB-Title: The Road to Sturgis - An Interactive Adventure
Description: The Road to Sturgis is a World-Wide Web page describing the progress of an Interactive CD which will cover The Black Hills Motor Classic. The rally draws 250,000 people riding karley Davidson, Indian, and other motorcycles or 'hogs'.
Title: The Road to Sturgis - An Interactive Adventure
ALIWEB-Title: M & M Copy Quick Printing, Inc. - Quality Printing at Low Cost
Description: M & M Copy Quick Printing, Inc. is a copy/print shop in Sioux City that provides Midwest quality copying and printing at Midwest prices. This site provides an area to order online.
Title: M & M Copy Quick Printing, Inc. - Quality Printing at Low Cost
Description: This web page contains THE Water FAQ...everything you ever wanted to know about issues surrounding hard water, soft water, water that stinks, water that stains. Also discusses solutions such as filters, feeders and aeration. There is also an opportunity to purchase water filter syste
ms through Culligan H2O 4 u in South Sioux City, Nebraska.
Description: This web page contains THE Spas FAQ...everything you ever wanted to know about issues surrounding spas, jacuzzies, hot tubs, whirlpools and whatever else they may be called. Includes, how to select one, what are the operating costs, what maintenance should be done, etc. There is also
information about the health benefits of using a spa. Sundance Spas 4 u in South Sioux City, Nebraska has sponsored this page.
Description: Questions and answers on the topic of spas, jacuzzies, hot tubs, whirlpools and whatever else they may be called. Information about cost, maintenance, etc.
ALIWEB-Title: Sioux City - Convention Center/Auditorium/Tourism Bureau
Description: The Sioux City Convention Center/Auditorium/Tourism Bureau home page contains information on our area events, the many attractions in the area, the Sioux City Convention Center and the Sioux City Auditorium. A department of the City of Sioux City, the Convention Center/Auditorium/Tour
ism Bureau manages the Convention Center - a 72,000 sq. ft. facility for local, state and national events; the Auditorium, a 32,000 sq. ft. facility used for sporting events, trade shows and concerts; and also serves as Tourism Bureau for the City.
Title: Sioux City - Convention Center/Auditorium/Tourism Bureau
Template-Type: DOCUMENT
ALIWEB-Title: Sioux City - Convention Center
Description: A department of the City of Sioux City, the Convention Center/Auditorium/Tourism Bureau manages the Convention Center - a 72,000 sq. ft. facility for local, state and national events; the Auditorium, a 32,000 sq. ft. facility used for sporting events, trade shows and concerts; and also
Description: The Municipal Auditorium, with 4,645 seats, draws from a population of 130,000 in the market area for concerts and performances. People from around the country come to the auditorium for events including concerts, sporting events, ice shows, wrestling matches, circuses, stage shows and